Walton Drama – Puffs – Cast Photos

$20.00 plus tax

Purchasing a cast photo of the Walton Drama production of “Puffs” is a fantastic way to preserve a memorable moment in time. This charming play is a parody of the Harry Potter series and features a lovable cast of misfit wizards and witches. These photos serve as a visual reminder of the hard work and dedication put into the production by the entire cast and crew. It is a wonderful keepsake for those who participated in the play, providing a tangible memory of their experience and a way to look back and reminisce on their time in high school. Additionally, purchasing a cast photo supports the school’s theater program and helps to ensure that it continues to thrive and provide opportunities for future students.

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8 x 12 Print of the Puffs cast photo – Multiple options available.

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Puffs Cast Photo Options

Cast, Cast & Crew, Seniors, Seniors Silly